Update: The mask Promotion has ended with over 10,000 masks distributed Thank you!!
With the generous support of our mattress manufacturers , we are able to produce an approved Non-Medical face mask. We are distributing these 100% FREE including the shipping in order to get as many masks out to the public. When everyone wears a mask, we protect each other from spreading the virus. Since you may be unknowingly infected with the virus, it is best that everyone wears a mask at all times! #masks4all #FREEmasks4all.
We have a goal to get a free pack of three (3) masks to EVERY Canadian who requests, so every time you go out in public you are protecting others from this virus. I protect you, you protect me.
Not Convinced?
Read: the Top 7 Reasons to get your FREE Mask
10 Great Value Mattresses You won't find at major retailers.
#1: Their Completely FREE!
#1: Their Completely FREE!
By the generosity of our mattress manufacturers, and the support of people like you!
There is a viral trend #Masks4All that shows if everyone wears a mask, we will slow or stop this virus. We noticed 1 problem though, not everyone will sew their own masks or knows somebody who can. We think that putting a FREE mask on everyone in Canada we will see this virus slow or stop. We are allowing anyone to donate to this cause if you would like to help cover the costs, but you truly can order your masks for FREE.
There is a viral trend #Masks4All that shows if everyone wears a mask, we will slow or stop this virus. We noticed 1 problem though, not everyone will sew their own masks or knows somebody who can. We have taken this one step further and created #FREEMasks4All We think that putting a FREE mask on everyone in Canada we will see this virus slow or stop.
#2: Save Medical PPE for Healthcare workers.
#2: Save Medical PPE for Healthcare workers.
We are using materials used in mattress manufacturing to make these masks. The general public does not need to wear medical grade PPE. Save it for healthcare workers.
Health Care Systems all around the world are completely strained to get medical masks. We are using materials made from mattress components in order to build these Non-Medical masks. If you are buying any type of masks, it is possible it is made with components that should instead be reserved for health care workers. Let's keep the strain off the health care mask supply chain!
Health Care Systems all around the world are completely strained to get medical masks. We are using materials made from mattress components in order to build these Non-Medical masks. If you are buying any type of masks, it is possible it is made with components that should instead be reserved for health care workers. Let's keep the strain off the health care mask supply chain!
#3: Our Masks will Stop Transmission
#3: Our Masks will Stop Transmission
We use a mask that stops 95%-100% of droplets during coughing, sneezing, breathing and speaking.
The Mask you will receive for free is 95%-100% effective in stopping droplets when you sneeze, cough or speak in public. Did you know sneezing can "launch" droplets up to 8 meters? Coughing can spread droplets up to 5 meters? Even speaking expels droplets from your mouth and onto grocery carts, public surfaces. This is the power of wearing a face mask in public.
The Mask you will receive for free is 95%-100% effective in stopping droplets when you sneeze, cough or speak in public. Did you know sneezing can "launch" droplets up to 8 meters? Coughing can spread droplets up to 5 meters? Even speaking expels droplets from your mouth and onto grocery carts, public surfaces. This is the power of wearing a face mask in public.
#4: Masks Stop you from touching your Face.
#4: Masks Stop you from touching your Face.
On average, humans touch their face 16 times per hour. Viruses are transmitted directly from dirty hands to mucous membranes.
One side benefit of wearing a mask is that it simply stops you from touching your nose and mouth unwittingly. We touch our face often and the most sure fire way to contract (any) virus or germ is to touch your mucous membranes with dirty hands. Your FREE non-medical face mask will help to stop this!
One side benefit of wearing a mask is that it simply stops you from touching your nose and mouth unwittingly. We touch our face often and the most sure fire way to contract (any) virus or germ is to touch your mucous membranes with dirty hands. Your FREE non-medical face mask will help to stop this!
#5: Masks are now Recommended by the CDC
#5: Masks are now Recommended by the CDC
As of April 4th 2020, the CDC now recommends face masks for all.
As of April 4th, the Center for Disease Control announced that Non-Medical Face masks are effective in slowing and stopping the transmission of the virus in public. We do still need to go out and get essential supplies so we cannot avoid social contact completely. What we can do instead, is protect others when we are out in public.
As of April 4th, the Center for Disease Control announced that Non-Medical Face masks are effective in slowing and stopping the transmission of the virus in public. We do still need to go out and get essential supplies so we cannot avoid social contact completely. What we can do instead, is protect others when we are out in public.
#6: Government Approved
#6: Government Approved
We have approval at a provincial and federal level for the distribution of Non-Medical face masks.
These are Non-Medical Masks and we make no claims that these masks will protect you from droplet contact. These masks are intended to protect you from transmitting your droplets to other Canadians. You may or may not be infected with COVID-19. When you are first infected, you show no symptoms and you won't know. By wearing this mask, you are stopping the transmission of droplets from your nose and mouth to others.
These are Non-Medical Masks and we make no claims that these masks will protect you from droplet contact. These masks are intended to protect you from transmitting your droplets to other Canadians. You may or may not be infected with COVID-19. When you are first infected, you show no symptoms and you won't know. By wearing this mask, you are stopping the transmission of droplets from your nose and mouth to others.
#7: Protect Others, Protect Yourself.
#7: Protect Others, Protect Yourself.
When you protect others, you protect yourself.
The biggest WIN of wearing a mask is that you block the transmission of your body's droplets to others. If somebody is infected with the virus, the most common method of transmission is by spraying droplets on public surfaces when coughing, sneezing or speaking. Others will touch these surfaces, then touch their eyes, nose and mouth (16 times per hour remember?). Wouldn't you be much happier knowing other people weren't spraying droplets everywhere? Protect others, protect yourself.
The biggest WIN of wearing a mask is that you block the transmission of your body's droplets to others. If somebody is infected with the virus, the most common method of transmission is by spraying droplets on public surfaces when coughing, sneezing or speaking. Others will touch these surfaces, then touch their eyes, nose and mouth (16 times per hour remember?). Wouldn't you be much happier knowing other people weren't spraying droplets everywhere? Protect others, protect yourself.